Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Circle Lens Review: G&G Puffy 3 Tone Gray

 Color:  Gray
Diameter: 14.5 mm
Base: 8.6
Water: 38%
Duration: 1 Year

Color/Design 10/10  These lenses are beautiful! They are so bright and vivid! It does not have that thick and fake black limbal ring around it. Instead, it has a dark gray ring that gradate into light gray. It also comes with a yellow sunburst pattern around the pupil hole. 

Enlargement 10/10 It enlarges drastically but it doesn't give you too much of a cute look like Shrek's Puss in Boots. It's a very well designed pair of lenses. 

Comfort 10/10 I can't feel a thing for hours and hours and...

You can purchase them HERE!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Circle Lens Review: EOS Adult E203 Grey Review

Color:  Grey
Diameter: 14 mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Water: 38%
Duration: 1 Year

Color/Design 10/10 Though they are my least favorite of all the three 'adults' that I have, they are still a beautiful pair of circle lenses. They are a very soft, light grey color. They are so  unique because the color shows up differently depending on the lighting. It can come off as purple, blue, or true grey. They will make your eyes look sparkly and sexayyy!

Enlargement 3/10 Hardly any enlargement. It's okay because the color and the pattern makes up for it. 

Comfort 10/10 Need I say more!?

You can purchase them HERE!

                                           The lens itself. The color looks violet/blue.
                                           Close up
                                          One of the lenses in

                                           Both in

                                          Full face. They look purple in my natural lighting. 

Circle Lens Review: EOS Adult E203 Violet Review

Color:  Violet
Diameter: 14 mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Water: 38%
Duration: 1 Year
Color/Design 10/10 Honestly, I've hated violet lenses until I found Puffy 3 Tone Violet and EOS Adult Violet. You guys know how I like my lenses: BRIGHT AND VIVID! I love how it shows up as a bright pastel pink/violet.  They are very beautiful indeed! I love how it makes your eyes stand out with a unique yet soft appearance.  It doesn't look natural up close though.

Enlargement 3/10 These are 14mm in diameter and they don't enlarge much compared to my other 14mm lenses due to the absence of a thicker limbal ring. It has a very fine violet ring around it. 

Comfort 10/10 No complaints
You can buy the HERE!
                                           The lens by itself 
                                          Close up
                                           One of the lenses in
                                           Both of the lenses in

                                                     Full face


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Circle Lens Review: EOS Adult E203 Green Review

Color:  Green
Diameter: 14 mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Water: 38%
Duration: 1 Year

Color 10/10 These are SOOOO FREAKIN' VIBRANT! I love it! Though it supposed to be green but it comes out as a very light aqua color, which I totally don't mind. I think the color is just beautiful. I also like its watery, crystal effect on my eyes. The fine purple ring make these lenses look unique and pretty, though it doesn't show up much once the lenses are worn.

Enlargement 3/10 It enlarges only a slight bit.

Comfort 10/10 No complaints!

You can purchase them HERE!

                                           The lens itself

                                          One in

                                          Both in

Circle Lens Review: G&G Puffy 3 Tone Violet

Color:  Violet
Diameter: 14.5 mm
Base: 8.6
Water Content: 38%
Duration: 1 Year

Color 10/10 I love how these violet lenses show up! See, I've never been happy with the past violet lenses that I've had. I got Geo Nudy Violet and Geo Angel Violet. They come out really dark on my eyes and I don't like that. I want my lenses vibrant enough for everyone to notice from far away. These don't have that thick black limbal ring around it. It has a soft dark violet pattern on the edges, vibrant violet in the middle, and a yellow starbust pattern in the centre of the lens. 

Enlargement 10/10 YIKES! These enlarge like crazy on my small irises but trust me, you won't look like a scary alien! They make me look cute :'3

Comfort 10/10 I can wear them all day without any discomfort. 

Purchased HERE

                                           One in
                                           Both in

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Circle Lens Review: Hana/SP Eye AF3 Grey

Hana SP/Eye AF3 Grey

Diameter: 14.5mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Water Content: 45%
Duration: 1 year

Enlargement 7/10 Though the diameter is 14.5mm, it doesn't give you that dolly look due to the absence of a THICK black limbal ring. The effect these give off is more like 14.2mm-ish which is perfect for me. I was never a fan of big googley eyes anyway.

Design 6/10 It is nothing like its sister, aqua. I thought maybe the grey ones would be just as bright and striking. I was proven wrong and I am very disappointed with the color. In my eyes it shows as a medium grey. The yellow-orange sunburst can be seen in the middle of the lens.

Comfort 10/10 No complaints!

You can purchase them HERE!
                                           Close up (Photo is squished. Click to super-size!)
                                           One in
                                           Both in

Circle Lens Review: Hana/SP Eye AF3 Aqua

Hana/SP Eye AF3 Aqua

Color: Aqua
Diameter: 14.5mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Water Content: 45%
Duration: 1 year

Enlargement 7/10 They don't really enlarge that much even though they are 14.5 mm in diameter. The effect is definitely less than 14.5mm yet more than 14mm. You can see that there is definitely a limbal ring around the lens though it's very, very faint. I'm not a fan of ginormous dolly eyes anyway so these lenses work very well for me.

Design 10/10 Damn, these are some gorgeous! These are WHAM-IN-YOUR-FACE-UBER-VIBRANT lenses! They are still beautiful and appropriate for everyday wear.

Comfort 10/10 I can wear these everday for hours and hours without any discomfort!

You can purchase them HERE!
                                           Close up

                                           Both in
                                                   Full face. Sorry for my blemished skin.